Monday, April 15, 2013

Irving Gargoyle

The different gargoyles I sell called 'Irving' are based on a bass relief gargoyle located on a building on Irving Place in New York, New York.
Irving Place Gargoyle

The picture above is the gargoyle on Irving Place. This is actually not a gargoyle, as a gargoyle by definition is a waterspout — this is more properly called a grotesque, although in common usage the terms are often interchanged.

Irving Gargoyle, Gypsum Stone
The above picture is one of the several different versions of 'Irving' that I sell on my website. You can see the resemblance. Pretty much all my pieces are free standing, so this gargoyle sculpture is a free standing piece.

Browse the website to see the other Irving gargoyles that I have for sale, to go to the website click here.

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