Thursday, September 3, 2015

A Tiger May not be Able to Change his Stripes — But the Maxwell Gargoyle Sure Can

One of my favorite gargoyle statues is Maxwell. I have always offered Maxwell in two finishes: grey and antique taupe.

Maxwell Gargoyle Grey Finish
Here is our little guy in the grey finish. This was a good choice for Maxwell the gargoyle as the grey looks like stone, and it has a nice washed patina.

Maxwell Gargoyle Antique Taupe Finish
Here is the gargoyle in the antique taupe finish. My favorite finish. I think it gives a richer look, but I must admit most people choose the grey finish.

Maxwell Gargoyle Greystone Finish
And now — presenting Maxwell in his new duds, the Greystone finish!

The Greystone is the latest finish that I offer — anxious to see how the peeps like it.

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