Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Green Men and Dragon Grotesques in Northern California

I was in downtown Sacramento visiting my brother and noticed these grotesques (gargoyles) on a hotel.

Green Men Grotesques on Downtown Sacramento Building

I only had a camera phone with me so could not get as good as a picture as I wished — but here is one. The green man is a corbel under the balcony, the dragons are the decorations in  the corners of the windows.

Green Men on a Downtown Sacramento Building
Here is another picture of the same building.

If one is observant one will see more gargoyles (or more likely grotesques) than one would imagine. While none of them will probably look like the famous gargoyles of Notre Dame Cathedral, they are special and fun to spot!

Architectural Lion Element
Strolled past these lion pairs last night. They are — my best guess — an architectural element. 

Architectural Lion
I am not exactly sure what they are architecturally speaking. They are not really columns, they are not exactly supporting a column...

They are flanking a residence on a very steep street on a hill just above San Francisco's Chinatown.

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