Thursday, June 25, 2015

A Couple of New Skulls Have Hit the Website

I have recently brought in and photographed two new skulls for the website.

Talking Board Skull
This is the first guy. I call him the Talking Board Skull. A talking board is what we now call a Ouija Board. The talking board — at least in the USA — became popular in the 1880s, and sometime after that a version was modified and patented as a Ouija Board.

Astrology Skull
This fun dude is the Astrology Skull. This skull has the Astrological Signs and other symbols engraved as decoration.

Astrology consists of several pseudoscientific systems of divination based on the premise that there is a relationship between astronomical phenomena and events in the human world. 

I may read my Astrology horoscope from time to time for amusement — but that is about as far as I take it...

These — and many other very nice collectible skulls are available on the Skulls & Cranium section of my website. To visit the Skulls & Craniums section, click HERE, for the front door of the site, click HERE.

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